If you have a Republican governor in your state I would strongly recommend figuring out if anyone is actually still doing their job.
In the meantime, I would like to announce that I am running to be
governor of Alaska. It appears to require few skills and I have very few. I am too old to hike the Appalachian trail, though I will fess up to having fondness for
Canadian Bacon. I have no ethics violations (I have been cleared of all charges after biting my gramps). I have been blogging for a long time so I have no doubt I could weather the glaring media scrutiny and even David Letterman making jokes about me. And I don't wear clothes so my wardrobe will be very inexpensive.

As a side note, I am not interested in moving to Alaska so I hope they have Skype on their computer.
Khyra is interested in being my Lieutenant Governor which I wholeheartedly endorse, especially since I will probably get bored after a few months and pursue my national political career which I am hoping will lead to a seat on the Supreme Court, preferably on the lap of Ruth Bader Ginsberg who is