Tuesday, July 15, 2008

About that Cover

It has not been a great couple of weeks for Obama. He seems to be dancing to the right on FISA and abortion and other important things. And then Reverend Jackson threatened to neuter him. And now this New Yorker cover.

I'm quite a fan of satire myself but I'm not sure that this works and I'm not sure that saying so makes you a humorless liberal.

Two things. Number one is that satire is about exaggeration in order to reveal absurdity. When a poll at World Net Daily (aka, Wing Nut Daily which I will not link) showed that 60% of their readers thought that the cover actually depicted the real threat posed by the Obamas? That means it's not an exaggeration of their views (see below). But second, the New Yorker is trying to parody the folks who believe the conspiracy theories by deploying stereotypes which strikes me as sorta arrogant. As a bloggy friend of mine said, it's like the hipsters who wear racist T-shirts because of course it's ok for them because THEY'RE not racist. They're ironic. And the New Yorker thing seems similar--not so much political commentary but self-congratulation for being above it all. It feels insider-y. Which, ironically, is the other stereotype that Obama is fighting against, the idea that his supporters are soy latte sipping elitists who are thumbing their noses at their fellow Americans. And while people who believe the things in this cartoon deserve a bit of scorn, doing it in The New Yorker might only reinforce, not challenge, their views. Here's what the right wingnuttery has to say:

Sound off on the New Yorker's cover with turban-wearing Obama, gun-toting wife

Sound off on the New Yorker's cover with turban-wearing Obama, gun-toting wife (3130 votes)

The image isn't too far from the dangerous truth about the Obama family59% (1856)
Funny, because there's some truth in it12% (390)
Hilarious, it's perfect satire7% (218)
It will do what it's designed to do: sell magazines7% (214)
The image will only add to the massive publicity Obama receives while McCain remains in the shadows6% (191)
Tasteless and offensive3% (97)
This is character assassination, literally and figuratively1% (40)
Other1% (34)
It's obvious the New Yorker wants Obama to win1% (26)
Everyone should boycott the New Yorker over this huge insult1% (25)
There's no such thing as bad publicity1% (22)
This is probably a joke and is not intended to hit newsstands0% (12)
It's obvious the New Yorker wants McCain to win0% (5)


Gus said...

Wally...muzzer and Dad have gotten this magazine for years, and usually love it. Muzzer is upset, and she is the family member most inclined to satire. Dad hasn't sounded off yet. Give him 500 years or so to analyze it and he will.


Sophie Brador said...

Wally, I find it a bit shocking ... and not much shocks me ... that the New Yorker actually published this. I don't quite follow their logic on this one, and your analysis of the satire (or lack of it) is tres astute. Of course I would expect nothin less from you.


Anonymous said...

To the wing nuts the cover is reality and not satire. Forgive Obama for the FISA vote--after all, McSame would continue down the current path forever.

Jen and Suki said...

Mom and I are so aghast. Clearly the peeps should really leave the pawliticin' and decidering to us pups from now on. And also the funnies.

Mom is a tiny bit embarrassed that she literally drinks soy lattes - liberally.

Anonymous said...

Hi Wally

Did you see the poll that indicated dog lovers are mnore likely to support McCain. I'd love to see you post about that.

In the meantime, my friend Wagatha (www.wagathas.com) sent me some organic doggie treats. I want to share with you - if that's ok send me an email at ilya at welfeldpr dot com.