This weekend in Nebraska, home of the great GranNE, Operation Rescue is staging a protest of Dr. LeRoy Carhart who is one of the last providers of late-term abortions and was a friend of Dr. George Tiller who was brutally murdered in his church in Wichita, KS this summer. Dr. Carhart, an OB/GYN, decided to open a full-time abortion clinic after abortion opponents set fire to his farm. His clinic has also been targeted by arsonists. With people assassinating doctors and carrying weapons to political rallies it is clear that some people believe that when they lose via the democratic process they have the right to enforce their ideas via violence. It is important to not be intimidated in the face of terrorism so women's groups are organizing counter-protests at the clinic. If anyone out there is in the area please support Dr. Carhart.
Here's a rare public interview with Dr. Carhart:
I'd like to note Dr.Carhart's button reads "Trust Women." Operation Rescue is led by one guy who is feuding with another guy (Randall Terry) over who gets to use the name "Operation Rescue." Who do you think is really on the side of women?
WALLY! Because he was raised by MaApe and inspired by GranNE.
Ask me a harder question next time, OK?
We refer to them as 'The American Taliban'. They want no rights for women and to impose their beliefs on everyone else by means of force. And they're the same ones who scream about the Constitution. They should try reading it sometime.
My mom and I love all of woo!
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