Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The First Bump Heard 'Round the World!

What do you see in this picture? A totally cool and equal couple celebrating their joint achievement? Faux News wants to know if you see a terrorist plot! Because women making fists can lead to NO GOOD!

I send paw bumps out to all my buds! This is a dogocracy! BUMP!

ETA: OK, I thought it couldn't get any more stupid but Sadly, No has a roundup of wonderfully racist responses from Free Republic (a cesspool of right wingnuttery) to the dap. Apparently it is not terrorism but gang signs.

Dap on, buds! (I can't reach you from here with my short legs.)


Gus said...


Lenny said...

I saw this story and immediately informed my nana she could no longer watch Fox News. (I am thinking about changing my breed name to some other kind of terrier!) I was pleased to learn she now watches MSNBC and will not vote for John McCain! And she's a huge Republican!!!

She is going to write in the name of her wiener dog, Walter.

Small steps...

Your friend, Lenny

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

'sabout time you got some content here. Does the Barackattack own any pooches?

Jen and Suki said...

It's Hezbollah style fist jabbing mayhem!

Nazila Merati said...

my moms do the same thing,does that mean that barack is backing gay marriage?