Thursday, June 12, 2008

Reason #2 I'm Barking for Barack: War

I would very much like the war to end and this? Is terrifying, especially from a guy who is "confused" about the difference between Sunni and Shia. And Iran and Al Qaeda.

On Obama:

This article by Christopher Hayes in The Nation really made me think.
Here's an article Obama wrote for Foreign Affairs.
Here's Obama's foreign policy in his own words.
Here's stuff about his main advisers.

1 comment:

Gus said...

Wally...muzzer and I think that GeoW got confused one day and meant to invade Iran but ended up in Iraq instead. Do you remember that CW song right after 9/11 where the singer says he doesn't know the difference between Iraq and Iran? Shoulda been the theme song.


ps...I wasn't really borned for 9/11, but you were. I only listen to muzzer's rants on that one.