During Presidential season we sometimes forget the Men (and ONE woman) in Black who make a lot of really important decisions--The Supremes!

I just wanted to mention the important
decision made in the court today--
Boumediene v. Bush-- that will give suspects in Guantanamo Bay access to civilian courts for appeal. This is important in extending the rule of law to peoples in American custody. When I am accused of doing something wrong I always have the right to plead my case in the Court of Ma Ape's Pushoverness using my finest Defense Attorney--Big Brown Eyes. I think this will go a long way toward limiting the power of the Executive Branch and will restore an important piece of democracy--
habeas corpus.
Here's what Obama had to say about the ruling. Obama sez:
The fact is, this Administration's position is not tough on terrorism, and it undermines the very values that we are fighting to defend. Bringing these detainees to justice is too important for us to rely on a flawed system that has failed to convict anyone of a terrorist act since the 9-11 attacks, and compromised our core values.I'd like to add, President Obama, that when there is an opening on the court, I've already got a whipsmart legal mind and--more importantly--I always wear my black robes:

In a more troubling note, my ma ape and I listen to
This American Life while we work out (her on the treadmill, me in dreamland). That's not the troubling bit. This morning we listened to a show from a few weeks ago called The Prosecutor about the terror cell prosecution in Detroit that fell apart. It is more shocking than I could have imagined. And there are no good guys. You can listen to it
here or get the podcast on iTunes.
Here's some of the story. Also
On an additional note, wouldn't it be cool to have a
Constitutional Law scholar as President? Hmmmm...