Wednesday, June 11, 2008

He's Got Our Back

Here's an Animal & Politics blog affiliated with the Humane Society. It describes Obama's support of animal welfare issues including bills he has sponsored or supported as an Illinois State Senator and as a U.S. Senator (shout out to the Cubbies & Da Bears!). And it has his answers to the Human Society's Questionnaire about where the candidates stand on welfare issues. The candidates who filled out the questionnaire were Obama, Bill Richardson, John Edwards, and Dennis Kucinich (my dude! He's approximately the same size as a corgador).

Obama sez: "As president, I'd continue to make sure that we treat animal cruelty like the serious crime it is and address its connection to broader patterns of violence."

This is a dogocracy!


Ruby Bleu said...

I really like that answer...a lot!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Moco said...

Someone who might actually know that animal cruelty really does lead to pyschopathic behavior.

Gus said...

Go Dennis and the corgadors...they may be short, but they have more chutpah than the rest of the world. That man read articles of impeachment Tuesday for almost 5 hours. We love him too.


Sophie Brador said...

Here! Here! Can we borrow him up here? We need some of that serious crime approach in Canada.
