When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one dog to raise his voice and get you goddamn naked apes to stop screwing things up. You deny us the vote because of the whole "no language" thing and yet the decisions you have been making for the last, oh, say, 10,000 years have led me to question your judgment. And thus, apes, I am lowering myself to support one of you. Alas, since dogs rarely reach 35 and thus are constitutionally barred from being President, I am throwing my weight behind one dude, Barack Obama. I will use this blog to tell you why, to share helpful and informative links, and, I hope to make this election just a little more entertaining.
This is not a democracy. This is a dogocracy.
Go Wally!!! Barack is out looking for a running mate...he would be wise to choose you!! I look forward to reading all your pawlitical insites!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I'm all ears Wally! Go! Go! Go!
luv ya
Lola Smiles
Here are some slogans for your VP campaign (see my blog for my thoughts on Obama).
We had 8 years of folly
Now let´s have 8 years of Wally!
Down with the putz!
In with the mutts!
Oh can't wait to see what you write.
Oh my...you better hide your soapbox...here comes muzzer!
We're behind you and Mr. Obama
Dawgs got it right
We can't wait to read your interesting insight into this historic election year.
Yo Wallyamale!
Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer
I've got your OHbamamama love, Wally!
Wally, you are amazing. This is a great idea.
My mom and her friends are getting ready for the town's 4th of July parade. She has proposed entering everyone's dogs and using a "Barking for Barack" theme, but no one has signed on with her yet. I will refer them all to your blog so they will see the wisdom in such an idea.
Your friend, Lenny
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