Friday, September 5, 2008

Curious Image of the Day

From CNN, via Pam's House Blend:

On an unrelated note, here's a story about how the Republicans have made--in the words of Jon Stewart--Minnesota even whiter. And they puzzle over the lack of diversity in their party. I'm sure this has nothin' to do with it.


Emily and Ike said...

Even whiter!!!!

Emily and Ike said...

PS - please do use my pic!

Gus said...

Not the first time I have seen that evocative hand gesture at the Republ convention.


Lola Smiles said...

whoa. gus, I have to agree!

Nazila Merati said...

nmom and th mom and nmoms mom and dad (lifelong republicans) all wretched when they saw the evil palin.

My mom and dad voted democratic the last election and will this time.

Ack, vomit, hurk, hurk, hurk.

Scared. v. scared.