Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Stop the Blogs!

We cannot discuss how the U.S. can most safely disengage in Iraq, how the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac reflects on the economy and U.S borrowing from China.

NO! We must not talk about these things until we resolve the most vital issue of the day: does John Kerry look funny windsurfing? did Obama call Palin a pig???!!!??


neo-latin said...

I was called a pig by a small child once. My mom said it wasn't an insult, that pigs are cute and smart. If the media wanted to talk about the REAL issues, they'd pay attention to the shameless slander of animals (pit bulls and piggies)for human political gain.

Sancha said...

Oops. That was me in the comment above. My grandmother was using MY computer.

Anonymous said...

Oh Wally, when will we reach the end of human stupidity?


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