Friday, September 12, 2008

Sancha Barks!

A fellow barker (and fellow corgi mix!) Sancha went to the forum on service attended by the candidates at Columbia Uni. Sancha has a very good review here. Sancha's impressions: College students love Obama almost as much as they love dogs! Maybe kids these days aren't so bad!

This picture is neither of Sancha nor is it from last night. I just liked it. And I'm still waiting for the Obama girls to adopt me. Corgi mixes have your back!!!!!!


Sancha said...

Ahem. I believe I made it clear that college kids love dogs--or this dog anyway--WAY more than they love Obama. But they like Obama a lot more than McCain.

Sancha said...

Also there was a 5-year old sitting next to us who loved Obama much more than McCain (in fact, he refused to leave until Obama came on, even though it was way past his bedtime, his birthday was the next day, and his mom said she wouldn't have time to make his cupcakes if they stayed for the Obama part). As his mother also said, "If a 5 year old, can tell the difference..." He also kept calling John McCain "George Bush." Aah, if only we let the 1st graders vote.