Thursday, September 11, 2008

That is How We Roll!

John McCain got SHUT DOWN in his first appearance without Palin:

After lunching with a roundtable of women at Philadelphia’s Down Home Diner, McCain shook hands with supporters and strode up to a podium to deliver a statement. But as he spoke, chants of “Obama, Obama, Obama” filled the room.

Philly in the House!

What do you expect when you campaign on the idea that small town folk are real, upstanding moral folk and urbanites are dumb snooty cosmopolitans? I mean, my ma ape is a small town broad and she was offended!

Can't stand the heat, get outta the City of Brotherly Love!


Gus said...

Friends (aka Quakers) have silent meetings until someone is moved to speak. Just another great Philly tradition.


Jen and Suki said...

Love it! We were also impressed that McCain's speech in St. Paul was interrupted THREE times! Mom and dad were cheering at home and hoping he would 'splode (cause it looked like he wanted to).

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Brotherly love..hmmnot so much I guess. I'm going to make a rare political statement-since this is a political blog. I am not for Obama/Biden(For such a smart guy, why Barrack-yp, I spelled it phoneticallty-chose BIDEN over HILLARY, is beyond me. Slam Dunk that would have been) . Lots of reasons. I am not crazy about McCain/Palin either. I have voted Red and Blue-indepndent I guess. Soooo-time for choosing lesser of 2 evils.(For the record, I don't think Palin was a wise choice for Mc Cain either.)
Know what I see as one of the major problems for BOTH? They cannot keep promises they are making. Impossible. AND it is my humble opinion that any person who has the money and connections to become a candidate, is dishonest. So where does that leave it all? More of the same politics as usual. It is too bad, I don't see much changing. As far as health care for all, as an RN, I have struggled over the years with an answer for this one. Government run health care SUCKS. I know too many brits,canadians-patients & health care professionals that have told me horror stories.(you think managed care sucks...where suits tell docs how to treat! whoa) And yes, we have our own. Over the years my heart has been broken over the fact that money buys the best health care and great folks with less money get substandard care. Again, where does that leave us?? With no good answer. I wish there WERE good answers. And, cases can be made when folks are talking about it...TALKING. Implementing...different story. You are not going to gt that elusive "change" with Obama. Or McCain. Or ANYONE. I have worked my tail off for campaigns I believed in.(Sorry to say Wild Bill was one of those-TWICE)
It's kinda like Docs. Some of them have the gratest bedside manner. Folks love them. And some of these-lots-SUCK, then there are the ones that act mean to pts, have no personality, no one wants them. And lots of those are GREAT.
In the election, let's say you look past the talking,personality,etc. Then look at the records you can find. Good, but gee, too bad they can't publish truthfully kickbacks, gifts,deals,pork.
So folks pick their favorite based on many things.
Whatever happns, happens. But I hope no one is REALLY surprised when it is businss as usual and that elusive change stays out of reach.
Just some thoughts.....
Please, no tar and feathering ;)
PS Due to southern upbringing, guess my momma said interupting is rude-aannnddd-what if you missed someone announcing you were winner of the lottery or something ;)
I'm just sayin....