Curious as to why McCain would pick someone he had met exactly once to be the next in line as leader of the free world? Ahem.
Max Blumenthal is reporting that the "Council on National Policy," a secretive rightwingnuttery that includes Grover Norquist, James Dobson, and Tony Perkins picked Palin and threatened a convention meltdown if McSame went with his choice--Joe Lieberman.
And the news is reporting that the GOP
has adopted its abortion platform, reaffirming, no abortion EVER--not in cases of rape, incest, or to protect the life/health of the mother. Pro-life indeed!
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Republicans rebuffed their certain nominee Monday by endorsing a platform that goes further than John McCain in opposition to abortion rights.
Yet in a pair of back-to-back votes on the opening day of their national convention, the 2,400 delegates yielded to McCain's desire to keep New Hampshire's presidential primary first in the nation.
Republican National Chairman Robert "Mike" Duncan used a quick gavel to adopt a platform unconditionally declaring the party's opposition to abortion. His resounding crack of the gavel overshadowed shouts of "no" when Duncan made a perfunctory call for objections.
The GOP document, which is nonbinding, does not provide exceptions allowing abortion in cases of rape, incest or where a mother's life would be in danger — all favored by McCain. The Arizona senator's running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, opposes abortion in all cases, consistent with the platform.
As The Nation said,
It's Palin's Party, not McCains. Not so mavericky now, eh? If you can't stand up to religious extremists at home....